
Showing 4 from 4 Items
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    Granite Telecom

    ASN Member

    Granite provides one-stop solutions for voice, data, Internet, wireless, video and secure network options throughout the United States and Canada, giving our clients up to a 50% cut in current spend. We are the 1st true 1 point of contact for everything for our clients making this side of the business more manageable and efficient. Whether you want to keep the same networks you are on and we cut up to 50% out of spending keeping everything the same to […]

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    Southwest Utility Solutions

    Southwest Utility Solutions exists for a straightforward reason. The multifamily industry is fundamentally built and sustained by the value that owners, investors, and property management teams bring to the table. Your #1 job: building the best, most sustainable, and profitable community should not be plagued with industry partners preventing your property from being taken to the next level.

    We’re building custom utility programs to ensure maximum utility recovery, savings, and property profit for multifamily, student housing, senior/affordable, and mixed-use communities.